They do wonders with my Babies

They do wonders with my Babies

That is what I call all three of my dogs, they are not my pets, they are my babies, and I searched long and hard for a groomer that would treat them as I would. Both my Bull Terrier and my two German Shepherds come from there like new babies. They love the staff and the pampering is something they adore even more than the bath itself. They smell divine and pounce around incredibly proud of themselves after they had been for their monthly visits. I usually wait for a few hours in their comfortable air-conditioned waiting area, play online games, visit sites such as bahistanbul, and see where I can do some sports betting while my babies are getting their treat.

Sunna Coston, receptionist at


Sunna Coston, receptionist at

That is what I call all three of my dogs, they are not my pets, they are my babies, and I searched long and hard for a groomer that would treat them as I would. Both my Bull Terrier and my two German Shepherds come from there like new babies. They love the staff and the pampering is something they adore even more than the bath itself. They smell divine and pounce around incredibly proud of themselves after they had been for their monthly visits. I usually wait for a few hours in their comfortable air-conditioned waiting area, play online games, visit sites such as bahistanbul, and see where I can do some sports betting while my babies are getting their treat.